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Each and every one of my grandparents had roses in their garden. My great grandfather kept light pink ones in memory of the love of his life. My great grandmother kept bright red and pink flowers. I saw them as a symbol of her individual strength and achievement as a single woman. My grandma kept yellow roses. Every time we sat on the stone steps of her garden, she seemed truly content. She looked deeply filled with happiness and in those moments I felt it too. Roses to me are a sign of the family I love most, the ones I miss, the ones that inspire me and the ones I trust believe in me.


This edition of Co-Unfolded presents love poems produced by Year 9 students at Dandenong High during Writing Workshops About Love facilitated by Josephine Mead in 2024. This project coincided with the exhibition Matrimony at Walker Street Gallery & Art Centre, supported by City of Greater Dandenong and curated by

Dr Miriam La Rosa.

Ishani Ram


Things change, Over time, everything changes.
In a matter of seconds your whole life could be flipped upside-down.
Something you love with all your heart could change.
Change can be good. Unless that love hurts you with everything they have. You could be getting hurt whilst loving but you’d choose to ignore it. Who wouldn’t? Someone you love hurting you?

Who could imagine…

Sareena Jalili


The one with violets in her lap. The dusty shade matching closely with the soft curls on top of her head. Sat quietly, tear-stained cheeks revealed dimples at the sight of the glowing sun meeting the sea’s horizon. She was a stranger, but I knew her smile was always worn watching a sunset. I knew the significance of the violets in her lap. I knew Violet, but I walked past the one with violets in her lap, without a word.

Pheonix Lee

My tongue broke – Sappho.

This phrase makes me think of how scary, challenging and nerve-wracking love can be and feel. Specifically the use of the word tongue, which reminds me of the feeling when your mouth isn’t able to get the words out or struggles when it does. It also reminds me of how your heart and mind fight for control over your decisions and can never agree between logic and emotions. It also makes me think of a climax in a book and how it feels like everything has been leading up to it. Getting those words out can be hard, but it is important to show love and affection for someone.

Elizabeth Nguyen

There was once a time where the stars were said to be incarnations of those who no longer live in this world.
Whether or not this may be true, it isn’t as though it would matter any longer.

The stars that glimmer above, shining, everlasting, almost as though mocking the fact that I am now alone.
Mocking that the one who once stood by me, now shines above there
in the stars…

It's almost laughable how these stars once brought comfort

yet now,

they are nothing but mere imitations of eyes mocking my every move…

Aashna Unnithan

I’m confused, but I relax. A tear rolls down my cheek and anger stabs me in the back. Unrequited it seems to be. But the puzzle pieces just don’t connect. Love was always strange for me. I should’ve known one can deceive. He seemed perfect to me, but what we had was just a fantasy. Now I’m back in the reality that what is sweet can also be bitter. Memories get shattered, I get shattered. Glass pieces are everywhere. Why is it so difficult to erase things from my heart? Unrequited love. An empty hole remains.

Sally Luo

pausing to glance around,
Below the stony scrawl
tor a dark crimson tide of bell heather spills across the steep slopes, washing around rough chunks of granite, pouring down towards the stream.
The sun is hot on his bare head and he turns to look far westward where seawater rims the edge of the world.

Sareena Jalili

Quite a distance away
sunburned and rather untidy;

Steps approached,
into the faded eyes
I stared at him
and he was smiling

Thanesha Jagadeesan


Both felt relieved
Friendly with
despite our lack
This is the photo of you, of your portrait
Hope you’ll be pleased
Usual good job
Glad of the silence
Looking at her photos
Head. Buzzing.
Young and lovely
Getting older
Elderly, at peace
Your world
Memories that haunt

Alyssa Cai


Like the sea ever so mysterious I am in constant thought
They say the sound of waves cleanses the mind
But I find myself immersed within my inner world yet again
Like the sea I am in constant motion
Getting nowhere quite far enough for one to hear my plea
Yet they say rest assured
Yes I am in continuum

but what worth if ever so alone

Pooja Rao


held my breath
looked at me
dawned on me
so much to do
made no reply
looked back
had enough
time to go

Manveer Kaur


The one with violets in her lap. Those brown, delicate eyes shining beneath the setting sun. Waiting. As I approach someone leaps in front and takes her away. As I stand there watching her walk away. “You really can’t approach her, can you?” my friend said. He looked at me with prankful eyes as I pushed him away. “Where’s your masculinity now, eh?” he said, as we started walking off. I took a glance back and watched her disappear into the crowd. “Shut up.” I continued to walk away from her. “I wish to see her again,” I said. My friend moved his head around looking confused. “Oh, wow I never thought someone like you could be serious,” he said. I listened to him blankly. I couldn’t think properly. She had taken over my mind. All of my mind. The girl with violets in her lap, with the shining brown eyes. Still in my mind as I walked away, not knowing if I’ll meet her again.

Anastastia Gold


I am in a constant sea of emotion
The once beloved sea,
the cause of my distress
Why can I not swim?
Did I want to?
Or was I caught in a rip?
Water filled my lungs
as I took a breath.
Was this what I deserved?
Or was this my karma?



My tongue broke.
Lies I couldn’t change, words
I couldn’t say. Love I didn’t feel
and emotion I didn’t get.
Drowning in a plethora of
betrayal. Love has jailed me.
What ever were we,
I didn’t know. Not friends and not
lovers and there’s no in-between.
I shouted and screamed words
etched in my soul.
I shouted till I couldn’t no more,
my tongue broke.

Nayab Ali


What is sweet can also be bitter,
like the warm, soothing breeze on the last day of Summer,
like the strong sense of relief you have when the school year is finally over,
it's like what you feel when you blow out your birthday candles,
it's waves of sweetness which is then suddenly engulphed by a tide of bitterness,

it's bitterness.


Elizabeth Nguyen


Can you sea the sea?
Never forget that the sea only shows us what they want us to sea…
It is all but a buried mystery
From the sunlight’s reflection to the sunken mystery
What else can you sea?
To those who love, and to those who fear,
Hidden secrets from the sea,
of the bottomless bodies of water.

Website design: © Josephine Mead 2022

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